12-ից բարձրների համար. Ցանկալի կին. Եվա Ռիվասը նոր, կրքոտ լուսանկարներում ցուցադրել է երկար ու ձիգ ոտքերը. դիմանալն անհնար է . չի նկատել, որ երևում է նրա ամոթույքը

Ցանկալի կին. Եվա Ռիվասը նոր, կրքոտ լուսանկարներում ցուցադրել է երկար ու ձիգ ոտքերը. դիմանալն անհնար է . չի նկատել, որ երևում է նրա ամոթույքը

Mr. Manvel Grigoryan, the ex-president of the YVU board, was a little worried. His Advocate Arsen Mkrtchyan stated that Grigoryan feels bad, asking the judge to allow the defendant to provide oxygen. Let us mention that Grigoryan was taken to the court by an ambulance car and a sitting hall with a wheelchair.

At the same time Arsen Mkrtchyan submitted a document to the court, according to which Grigoryan’s participation in the court session is allowed, but under the supervision of doctors.

Ambulance doctors currently provide treatment to Grigoryan at the conference hall.

According to the indictment, Manvel Grigoryan illegally acquired and transported illegally in three houses belonging to his wife, Nazik Amiryan, son Arman Grigoryan and other persons not investigated with the preliminary suspension of the restrictions prescribed by the RA Law on Weapons. keep firearms, ammunition, grenade launcher bullets, explosives, as well as perform different types of assaults.

He is accused of embezzlement of the property allocated to meet the needs of servicemen and volunteers of the Artsakh Republic border protection during the four-day war of April 4, 2016 and the subsequent days.

The former president of the Volunteer Board of the Volunteer Union currently receives treatment in a civilian hospital.

It should be reminded that on June 6, Manvel Grigoryan was transferred to the “Surb Grigor Lusavorich” MC from the “Hospital for Convicts” penitentiary, and a few days later, “Nairi” MC.

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